Friday, April 8, 2011

First Post, Last Standing.

      Hello reader. Did you accidentally stumble onto this site? Are you lost and looking for Facebook? Do you like props? Makeup? Special Effects? Scary Movies? (Oh god, one sentence in and I make a Scream reference, buckle down everyone, it doesn't get any better than this.)
      My name is Jarrod and I like stuff. What kind of stuff? Effects stuff. Props, appliances, resin kits, weapons, paintings, that kind of stuff. Hopefully you like it too. If that is the case, you should definitely join me on my wonderful descent into Effects Madness! Each week, I myself will compile different sites and services that will benefit you, the reader, and maybe even drop a few processes that will aid you in your quest. So without further ado, here is the first useful site of the week:

  Do you like Ghostbusters? Who doesn't? Do you like props? Have you made a Ghost Trap or a Proton Pack yet? No? Head on over to:

Once there, click Community on the site bar. This will bring you to the Forums. Scroll down and look for the appropriate forum for the prop you want. You will now be transported to an area of builders and fabricators that will inspire and help you (and sometimes yell at you, but that's just part of the territory.) Also on gbfans, click Equipment from the same menu bar to be taken to a list of schematics that are almost vital to the entire process of building.

Helpful? Let me know! Any site requests? Want to know how to make or do something? E-mail me!
And I will see what I can do.

Until next time!


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