Monday, April 11, 2011

Props? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Props! (Actually, we do, sorry props.)

     Hello all, yet again. Seems like it was only yesterday that I first posted, but alas, it was like 3 days ago. Today, I will be listing a few propping forums (forums seem to contain more useful info than just plain websites) to help out for your prop building needs:

The RPF-The Replica Prop Forum. A very useful site for getting inspiration or figuring out just how to make that Tron helmet you have been wanting.

The Hunter's Lair-Who doesn't love Predator? Who doesn't love Predator props? This forum is just for Pred and Pred related props

Haunt Forum- Props Sub-Forum- Okay, so it's a Halloween props forum, but maybe not everyone wants to work in the movies.

Aside from simple forums, Blogs seem to be a great source of propping info (ahem.) Here is one that I find awesome:

Volpin Props Blog

Thats about all for this post.  Next time, we may tackle Special Effects Makeup. If you are nice.

Love, Sheep, and Multi-Piece!


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